What are your days/hours?
Normal hours of operation are Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The clubhouse opens at 8:00 am so that shooters may check in, and the line goes hot at 8:30 am. The last shooting session of the day ends at approximately 4:15 pm.
Note: The last “line cold” event of the day occurs at approximately 3:30 pm, and the line remains hot until approximately 4:15 pm. Please take this into consideration if you need to go down range to setup paper targets.
We are closed for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Lightning and extreme/inclement weather can result in range closure.
Do I need to be a member to shoot here?
The range is open to both members and the general public.
Which firearms are allowed?
Shotguns, pistols, and rifles are all allowed on the range. All firearms must be encased when brought to the line. DO NOT bring firearms into the clubhouse.
Which types of ammo are not allowed?
NO Armor Piercing – steel core penetrator (green tip M855 5.56 or black tip .308 or .50 cal) ammunition. No tracers, incendiary, or any other other explosive or fire-based ammo. No “Force on Force” or UTM marker rounds, paintballs, or any type of “simunition”. If you are unsure of whether you can use a particular firearm or ammo, ask a Range Safety Officer.
What will I need to bring to the range?
- Your firearm(s)
- Eye protection
- Ear protection
- Open bolt indicators (chamber flags) – one for each uncased gun
- Plastic clamps to secure your target (NO METAL CLAMPS)
- Case or bag for your firearms (no uncased firearms off the firing line)
If I don’t have something, can I buy it?
Yes, we sell (at reasonable cost) eye protection, ear protection, chamber flags and target clamps if you need them. All are yours to keep at the end of the day. Cases are available to borrow.
Which kind of targets can I shoot?
We shoot only paper targets TAPED (no staples) to coroplast backers that we provide. One target is included with your range fee, and more may be purchased, or you can bring your own paper or “Shoot N See” type. You will need plastic clamps to hold the backers to the wooden 1×2 furring strips provided at each bench, see “What will I need to bring?” above for more information on clamps. No Tannerite or reactive targets allowed on the ranges.
Do you have rental firearms?
We do not have firearms available for rent.
I read that there is a competition today, is the range still open for public/member use?
Our main line (100, 200, and 300 yards) always remains open during normal range hours (unless inclement weather forces closure). We have separate ranges specifically for competitions and special events.
Can anyone shoot long distance?
We allow shooters to work up to longer ranges as they demonstrate their accuracy at increasing distances. Safety protocols do not allow moving onto the 300 and 600-yd ranges before qualifying. Please plan ammo supply accordingly.