We are proud to host Appleseed weekend events at our club on a regular basis!
Appleseed events are typically two-day programs that teach the rifle marksmanship skills that were once commonly practiced in America. Our Instructors put in nearly 200 hours of training so they can teach the skills that will one day allow a Rifleman to be accurate out to 500 yards. This distance is known as the traditional “Rifleman’s Quarter Mile” and has been part of America’s marksmanship repertoire since our country’s earliest days.
Whether you’ve never fired a rifle before or you’re already a competitive shooter, no one who comes to a Project Appleseed event ever leaves the same. The new skills, history, and friendships are inspiring and life-changing.
During breaks, we’ll tell you the true story of the earliest days of our nation, including the detailed events of April 19, 1775. You may be surprised by what you hear.